"In addition Perseid meteor shower, Venus, Mars, and Saturn will also be appearing."
Renne R.A Kawilarang
VIVAnews - Coming this weekend on earth residents presented interesting spectacle in the sky. In some places, the Perseid meteor shower has appeared. Besides, would appear also some planets can be seen with the naked eye at night.
According to Space.com page, citizens residing in the Northern Regions of Earth can see the Perseid meteor shower on Thursday night local time (early morning or early Friday GMT) until Friday morning (noon GMT). If not barred clouds, meteor showers can be witnessed every minute.
Besides clouds, celestial bodies that might interfere with the view that meteor showers are the light of the full moon. However, this time, the moon will not interfere.
The astronomers and observers of celestial objects in foreign countries can expect Perseid meteor shower showing the best and can deliver the occasional burst of light. Kalangann According to astronomers, some meteor fireball and explosion - called the bolide - can be clearly seen.
"On Saturday night [U.S. time], one bolde can be seen," said Steve Lieber, a member of the astronomy community on Long Island. "The view would be like a flash of light and followed by the tail for about 15 or 20 seconds," said Lieber.
"It seems this year more and more frequent views of the meteor. Hopefully view the meteor shower was very clear," said Space.com columnist, Joe Rao.
Meanwhile, the planet Venus, Mars, and Saturn will also be appearing. Three planets were expected to start looking around Thursday or Friday night accompanied by the appearance of the crescent.
Those who are lucky enough to see these four celestial bodies is clearly in the western horizon as night falls. In addition, Jupiter would look like a beautiful gem in the southern sky. (Umi)
In Indonesian language :
"Selain hujan meteor Perseid, planet Venus, Mars, dan Saturnus juga akan menampakkan diri."
VIVAnews - Jelang akhir pekan ini para warga di muka bumi disuguhkan tontonan menarik di langit. Di beberapa tempat, hujan meteor Perseid sudah muncul. Selain itu, bakal muncul pula sejumlah planet yang bisa disaksikan dengan mata telanjang di malam hari.
Menurut laman Space.com, warga yang berada di Kawasan Utara Bumi bisa menyaksikan hujan meteor Perseid pada Kamis malam waktu setempat (Jumat dini hari atau pagi WIB) hingga Jumat pagi (siang WIB). Bila tidak dihalangi awan, hujan meteor bisa disaksikan langsung setiap menit.
Selain awan, benda langit yang bisa mengganggu pemandangan hujan meteor itu adalah cahaya bulan purnama. Namun, kali ini, bulan itu tidak akan mengganggu.
Para astronom dan pengamat benda-benda angkasa di mancanegara berharap hujan meteor Perseid bisa menampilkan yang terbaik dan sesekali dapat menghadirkan letupan sinar. Menurut kalangann astronom, beberapa bola api dan ledakan meteor - yang disebut bolide - bisa terlihat jelas.
"Pada Sabtu malam [waktu AS], satu bolde bisa terlihat," kata Steve Lieber, anggota suatu komunitas astronomi di Long Island. "Tampilannya bakal seperti kilatan sinar dan diikuti oleh ekornya selama sekitar 15 atau 20 detik," lanjut Lieber.
"Tampaknya tahun ini makin sering terjadi pemandangan meteor. Semoga tampilan hujan meteor itu sangat jelas," kata kolumnis Space.com, Joe Rao.
Sementara itu, planet Venus, Mars, dan Saturnus juga akan menampakkan diri. Tiga planet itu diperkirakan mulai terlihat sekitar Kamis malam atau Jumat disertai dengan kemunculan bulan sabit.
Mereka yang beruntung bisa melihat keempat benda angkasa itu dengan jelas di horison bagian barat begitu malam tiba. Selain itu, Jupiter akan terlihat seperti batu permata yang indah di langit bagian selatan. (umi)
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